I decided to change the name of Xin Yun- Lost Noise’s aging Baatar- to Xin Ariq. I combed through the archives and updated dozens of pages to properly reflect this. However, it is likely that I missed an instance of “Xin Yun” somewhere. I will update it as necessary when it comes to me attention.
This might seem like a weird decision to make. For me, it was particularly hard because I really like the name Xin Yun. It’s a tight, punchy, and regal sounding name, and a part of me hates to see it go. Fortunately, I also like the name Ariq. It is the name of an in-law who lives in Mongolia, and I think Ariq will also work well for the Baatar.
The problem for me with Xin Yun is that the pronunciation is far too similar to Shen Yun- a dance performance troupe created by the Falun Gong cult. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this religious group, I will quote Wikipedia to illustrate some of their positions:
They are known for… espousing anti-evolutionary views, opposition to homosexuality and feminism, and rejection of modern medicine, among other views described as “ultra-conservative“. The Falun Gong has also received substantial criticism and heavy scrutiny by observers for its extreme founder veneration, use of psychological abuse against adherents, use of guilt and emotional warfare to secure donations from followers, and involvement with political information operations and disinformation campaigns in the United States and Europe
The naming similarities between the name of Shen Yun- the most notable, public outreach effort of this group- and Xin Yun was accidental. I was not aware of this group until recently. After reflecting on it, it was an easy decision to change Xin Yun’s name because the positions of the Falun Gong group are antithetical to what I stand for as a modern, queer person. Any association (real or imagined) with Falun Gong or their naked bigotry is intolerable. While I will miss the name “Xin Yun,” this change will have no bearing on the story, and I am looking forward to sharing how Xin Ariq will contribute to the story of Lost Noise.